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Hyundai Veloster RE:MIX Edition is stunning value

Hyundai Veloster RE:MIX Edition is stunning value, but still leaves something to be desired

When I first saw the Hyundai Veloster during its first in 2011, I thought: here it is, a completely new chance for Hyundai to truly prove its worth in hatchback wars. And it’s pretty hard to deny, given the inspiringly bold but attractive design of the Veloster, which simply convincingly reads: “Come on, take me, you will love me.”

Combine your ambitious design with the fact that Hyundai represents one of the greatest turning points in automotive history, many of us in the world of automotive journalism, including myself, had pretty high expectations. In particular, I thought it might be worthy to compete with the notorious hatchback leader, Volkswagen Golf. The South Korean automaker has recently corrected a lot by offering some very compelling alternatives to already familiar mass market car manufacturers, so why should the ball stop rolling behind them?

Although, when last year I had the opportunity to try my girlfriend’s Hyundai Veloster 2012, I was a little disappointed. This did not quite meet my expectations of being a car for driving enthusiasts. His inadequate engine, lifeless steering and strange body movements left me feeling like I could not get any satisfaction. It was the same as to be sure that you just met a girl worthy of care – she is amazingly beautiful, smart and charming, but only to find out that she is an ironing board in bed.

In my opinion, the Veloster was no different from the same fashionable and stylish Scion car from Toyota, which on paper and aesthetics always seemed to be delivered at least to some goods related to driving pleasure, without actual delivery – although this was good enough in everything rest. And to further understand the fast-paced lifestyle of younger generations such as Scion, Hyundai introduced a much more culturally oriented alternative to the base Veloster and the best Veloster Turbo dog: the 2013 limited edition Hyundai Veloster RE: MIX, which is in the middle of the package price and wise equipment. So what do you get?
-Jack Wilson

QuickSnap Auto Parts

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